Saturday, January 3, 2009

I tried three times to make a video out on the bog, but two of them were of a to poor quality and the good one just dissapered. I´ll try to make a new one when I go out there again. Some snow have fallen today, but not so much that You can see it on the ground though. Much warme tody and the sun showed it self a couple of times.

Be good!


Anonymous said...

Your video was good today you have some nice places to walk there it seems. I hope to do some walks soon but as I don't take to the cold so well it may well be later.

The cottage by the Cranelake said...

Thank You!
Better later than never as I use to say :-)
The surroundings here are wonderful. Big fields if I want that or deep forest if I want that.
Couldn´t have moved to a beter place :-)