Thursday, January 1, 2009

The first day of a new year.

The sun has started to rise somwhere behind Mösseberg. Minus nine and a half degrees(centigrade) and absolutely still.

The night sky was clear so I wasn´t surprised that it was loads of minus degrees this morning. Because the lack of wind the morningwalk with mu doga were wonderful. The sun shined at not a sound was to be heard. Now and again we could heare swans flying southwards.

The church in Bjurum in an early morning haze.

I had to go to Skara to buy some things and on the way back I stopped by the Cranelake. I was totally alone in the sunshine enjoying the morning. No big birds there, but rather many small ones in the tress and bushes around. When I left I met a lot of bird watchers with big binoculars and telescope cameras. Wonder if we have anything rare by the lake? The rest of the day has passed in a slow speed.

A view over Hornborgarsjön. The mountin behind is Billingen.

I´ve got a new favourite film. Yesterday I saw the movie Enchanted and I have to say I loved it. In a way a classical Disney movie with a modren touch. I ask myself a question however: How does Susan Sarandon manage to look so good? I mean she has been around for ever it seems, byr alwas looking good!
Be good and I wish everyone a good continuation of the new year!

It´s so cold today that the water in the little creek has frozen.


Anonymous said...

another very nice blog and I see you are gaining more followers good for you.
Poor Helen was besieged by firecrackers is this a common thing in Sweden fireworks all through Christmas holidays?

Anonymous said...

Wonderful photos! Cold! Cold here, too! Earlier, the wind was gusting savagely with temperatures below zero now it is 16 degrees at 2:17 pm. The wind appears to be out of breath and nothing else is moving out there! It's cold! I'm warm but my mind keeps nudging me to put on a sweater.
Question: Have you ever thought, Christer, to submit your photos to magazines as pictorial essays? How about National Geographic Magazine?
They are really that good.
Happy New year. I wish you health, safety and continued blogging ...

The cottage by the Cranelake said...

In the citys it´s a nightmare if You don´t want firecrackers. Even though they nowdays are forbidden (only the rockets are allowed), people still managed to get them. Out here at the countrysaide they only have the rockets and only on new years eve and at easter eve.
I wish You a vera happy New Year!

Thankfully we have no wind today. The temperature is dropping even more now, so if it had been windy it would have been awful outside.

No I´ve never thought of submitting my photos to a magazine. To be honest i never have thought in that direction at all:-) Don´t think they have the right quality for that either, by that I mean that the camera makes picture with to few pixels. But I´m really glad that You like them :-)
I wish You a verry Happy new Year with good health for You and Your family.

HelenJ said...

Why are your photos so much nicer in this blog than in your swedish one? Brighter, more colours... Maybe you used a nice camera instead of your cell phone? =)
It's nice to see that I have got foreign readers of my blog. Is the problem with badhandled firecrackers only known in Sweden?

The cottage by the Cranelake said...

For other readers i appologize for answering in swedish to HelenJ, it´s a bit easier for me :-)

Hej Helen!
Vet faktiskt inte varför det blir så, för allt är taget med mobilen. Bilden här komprimeras ganska så kraftigt här, så att den blir klickbar och då kan jag lägga in dem i originalstorlek i denna bloggen.

På trädgårdsbloggen måste jag själv minska ned bilderna i storlek, för där visas bilderna i originalstorlek. Då tror jag att kvaliteten automatiskt blir sämre.

Fattar inte hur man själv skall göra bilden klickbar där. Men å andra sidan får inte bilden plats på datorskärmen i originalstorlek heller. Om du klickar på en bild här får du se hur stor den blir :-)

Detta är den enda förklaringen jag kan komma på.
Ha en god fortsättning!

The cottage by the Cranelake said...

Förresten Helen, jag tror vi har det bättre med smällare och raketer här än i övriga världen. Tror inte det är så många som har förbud mot smällare som vi har.

Dena said...

Hi Christer,

It looks so peaceful and lovely there! I can just imagine the calm feeling a walk with that view would provide. I saw Enchanted a while back and I just loved that movie. I agree, Susan always looks amazing, I'd love to know her secrets :)

Happy New Year!


The cottage by the Cranelake said...

A walk in theese surroundings is soothing for troubled souls I can tell You.I feel lucky to have found my place here :-)