Tuesday, January 6, 2009

When I looked att the Google map on this blogg I saw that I have Chinese readers! China is a country I really want to go to some time in my life. Ofcourse I would like to se the forbidden city and the chines wall. But most of all I would like to see the nature there. Like most people that look at gardening the way I do, China has a lot of the plants we want to have in our gardens. When it comes to gardening I don´t care much for sorts or varieties of the different species. Yes I have some of them, but mostley I like the species it self so much more.

One has to take a close look to se the little hole there the mice goes in and out of their home.

Here´s two holes. On for incomming perhaps :-)

Swedish nature is also beautiful, I wold lie saying anything else. My favourite is tyhe Birch tree.

When looking at pictures from chinese nature it almost aches inside me of longing to get there and se it in real life. Another place that I really wants to see is the one in northen U.S.A. Threre grows a lot of herbs and perennials that I´m trying to have in my garden. There are some trees and bushes i sown this late autumn also. But still to be sown is Red mulberry. I´m not sure it has a chancr to live here because the climat is a bit hard. But one will never know until one have tested. I haven´t ordered anything fron Gardens Nrth, but this time I´m going to order seede from some of the amnerican rhododendrons.

The ice crystalls grow large these cold days. Some of them almost to a square centimeter big.

Old church and even older ruins. I don´t know when the monastery were abandoned.

There are still some of the graves left. This must have been a really important woman.

It got warmer here today, over freezingpoint actully, but the wind was so terrible cold it felt like the contrary. On my way home after shopping I went by an old monastery ruin. It´s not much to see but nowdays it is one of the places there most tourists comes. The reason they come there is because a couple of books about a templar knight called Arn. As far as we know there were no such knigts from our country, but there´s a churh nearby that has a sign only used by templar knights so who knows. Anyway, the story is placed in Skaraborg (where I live) and has becom enormusly popular. They made two films of the books too and parts of it is filmed just a kilometer from my cottage.
Hope You all feel well!
Be nice!


HelenJ said...

So, you live i Arn-country! =)
Or, as some say, where the cradle of Sweden stood.

I would also like to travel to see the nature (and the plants!) in other parts of the world. I have been in northern Africa and South-America, but there are still so many places I would like to visit. Hopefully, I will some day. /Helen

HelenJ said...

Ooops, forgot to say - lovely photos today! =)

The cottage by the Cranelake said...

Thank You :-)

Of course south america would be something! Or perhaps New Zeeland!

Anonymous said...

Outstanding photos and a good blog you may now get tourist from China as a result.My travel days are over (unless I win the Lottery) But if I could I would love to tour Sweden In the summer of course!

The cottage by the Cranelake said...

I´ll probably need a lottery winning too if I´m goim´ng to be able to travel too :-) But one can travel a lot with the help of ones imagination :-) No problems with moskitos and other annoying creatures then :-)