I woke up real early this morning, around six am, and saw that it was light outside :-) It took the sun an hour to get above the horizon and now it shines from a clear blue sky. The morning walk was perfect even if it was minus ten degrees (14 F) because there were no wind at all. We walked down to the creek and I think I heard some geese somewhere over the forest.
Can You see the little hole. That´s one of the entrences for the water vole straight out to the water. I´m particular fond of water voles (as long as they don´t get into my garden :-) ) I watched one several hours when I was young when I found a pond in the forest just outside Gothenburg and it didn´t care about me at all even when I came real close to it. But if it comes into a garden it´s a real pest. It can also spread a dangerous disease to us, Sorkfeber. Can´t find an english name for it but directly translated it´s Vole fever. A nasty decease that with bad luck can kill You.
This time of year is called springwinter here. It´s when there´s over freezingpoint and sun during the day, but below freezing point at night. It can last for some days up to a couple of weeks. These kind of days are perfect to have a little picnic on ones favourite places. Nothing extravagant, just a thermos with cocoa or tea/coffe and perhaps some cinnamon buns or cheese sandwiches. I have one such place by a big stone in a cow patch nearby. Many up north take the opportunity to crosscountry ski or iceskating these days.
The edges by the creek is so hard frozen that there were no problems to go down there even for me. To be honest it´s more like a huge ditch now, but there was a creek here long time ago.
Today it´s the fourth heat of the song contest. By looking at what kind of artists that will be competing tonight I´m pretty sure this time I woun´t like much of the songs. But I was surprised last week so lets hope I will be this week too. Next week it´s the heat for those who almost made it to the finals. Sometimes they can go really far in the final, because then we have heard those songs more than those who got directly to the final (perhaps I should tell You that if the songs wins their heat it´s not allowed to play them on the radio or tv or anywhere. If they are played before the final they are disqualified. We really take this serious :-) :-)
I was walking thinking of everything and nothing when I saw that my dogs were watching something. Just in front of me were several deers. I forgot to take a picture of course, but then I saw this one two hundred meters away (656 feet) and got a picture of that instead. If You click on the picture You can see the deer better.
Now I´m going to enjoy this springwinterday as much as I can!
Be good!