Tuesday, March 3, 2009

This is the Magpies nest. In the beginning it´s rather round built and absolutly dry inside, but the more years that passes the bigger it gets. Not unusual that it´s four or five stories high.

Almost all snow that fell the other day is now gone. March is usually rather witery here, but some years spring comes early and I sure hop it will this year too. But one can´t deni that it´s beautiful with all the snow on the trees :-)

I didn´t realize that this puddle went all the way in to my garden and that it was really deep. I noticed that when I went through it :-) I´m a bit weat on my feets now :-)

The swedish ekonomi is in a resession now and both companies and employes are rather worried, so a couple of days ago a historical agreement between my union and the employers was made. In stead of fiering people when the economy is getting too bad, they can send us home without paying us. This can be done up to twenty percent of the week. This has never happend in this country before. On one hand it sounds awful, we do lose a lot of money that way. But on the other hand we still have a job and there aren´t a lot of other jobs at the moment. When times get better again everyone that has done like this just works on as usual again. many at my work ahs passed “best before date” when it comes to get a new job, so for us it would feel safer if it happend at our company.

I have never seen this kind before. Usually they are colourfull, but this one looks sick to be honest :-)

I still haven´t heard anything from our governement. They always say there are plenty of jobs out there, but for some reason they can´t say where :-) Both Employers and unions have begged the governenment for help so they don´t have to fitre people (there are many different ways they can do that, it´s just to see how they does it in other european countries), but the governement says it´s no need for things like that. I don´t think they like it anyway.

When I moved here this was a shallow pond. But since no one digs it up, it slowly becomes firm ground. Pity, because now the frogs have one place less to lay eggs in.

But now to something more fun. The firts Cranes have been sighted just a couple of european miles (about 30 american miles) away :-) That means that they probably will be here before the weekend :-) We have some nesting couples here just beside the village and some of them is sometimes walking around in my garden at night. I sleep with an open window summer nights and when they hear that I´m starting to wake up they fly away shouting loudly. I can tell You that it´s a terrible sound to wake up to :-)

The birch is dead since long and one can see where the catepillar larvaes have eaten under the bark.

Now it´s time for some tea and blog reading! Tomorrow it´s Wednesday and then there will be no blog from me.
Be good!


Anonymous said...

having computer problems so may be down for a bit but still reading and liking your blog.

The cottage by the Cranelake said...

Hi Woody!
Not fun when that happens! I hope You get it fied easy and soon!

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Wow..Christer..those growths on the tree's are so strange looking.
They sort of remind me of large mushroom but..yet not really. I saw you came by and made comment on those silly toys..:)
After having so many children..it was something I got used to using and never stopped. The child in me too, I think.
Tea? I'll get out the little blue dishes..and you heat the water. :)

The cottage by the Cranelake said...

Hi Mona!
I think those fungus looks sick or dead. Usually they ar euthrt grey or really colorful, this one doesn´t look healthy at all :-)

I´ve put the cettle on the stove! Just come over and I´ll make some tea :-)