I like the super macro on my camera. This is some moss growing on a syringa in my garden. It´s a bit smaller than the nail on my thumb.
Well the Schlagerfestival didn´t goe as I hoped, but that´s life! If You like pop combined with opera You should click on “La Viox” and You´ll see and hear the song that won. Wonder how they´ll like this song in the rest of Europe
The last ice on the ditches. It´s so frail now that I think a mouse would break it.
More and more cranes are flying to the lake now. Unfortunally I and my dogs were walking in the forest when the came this morning, so I had no chans to take any pictures. No sun yet today so it´s not as warm as they said it should be, but it´s definatly spring here now.
I think this is called lichens in english. It´s not allowed to pick them from trees anymore, but they usually fall down from trees in storms and then one can use them when making door wreaths to Christmas.
The grovel roads are a mess to walk on now. The ground is frozen some inches down under the surface, so the water has no way to go when the top of the road is defrosting.. I had a small lake in front of the entry to my garden, so I had to dig a small ditch to lead the water away. Ditch isn´t the right word because the ground was deep frozen there. So I had to find my sharpest spade to chip away ice/soil flakes.
Well now it´s time to take another walk with my dogs I think and also look after Bertil that followed us durimg our morning walk, but never followed us all the way home. Well he´s a tough cat so I´m not worried that anything has happened to him. Looking outside I can see that the sky is getting blue, it will be a nice walk i feel :-)
Be good!
Be good!
What a different world you live in, Christer. I like this little growth of green you showed on a tree this morning. Looking at your pictures I can almost feel how cold it is. I would be shivering like a big baby! I love visiting your world of open country, cranes, wild life and water. It is beautiful. Thanks, Christer.
Hi Mona!
And still it was so much warmer today than it has been for a long time :-)
I imagine that our worlds are quite different. But I think spring is lovely any place on earth.
Wow, vilka bilder! Lavan ser ju gôrhäftig ut! "Super macro-"bilden är urläcker!
När jag tittar tillbaka på de sista inläggen som du har gjort så blir jag alldeles yr i "huvet" av alla de otroligt vackra bilderna som du har tagit.Helt enormt tjusigt!
Nu när tranorna har anlänt så spelar det väl ingen roll med lite is eller tjäle - det är ju bevisligen vår då!
Vilken tur för mig att rätt låt vann;))! Råkar vara själv en hybrid mellan opera och pop och Malena är ju en helt outstanding personlighet och en makalös mezzosopran. I och för sig föredrar jag dessa genren var för sig, men det är ju praktiskt att klara av båda på en och samma gång ;))!
Ha't! Anja
Too bad your choice in the song fest didn't win but there is always another year huh. Ditches and draining puddles is one of my favorite pastimes in the spring trying to route the water from our road and dooryard. It somehow makes spring a bit more real. I got the very last bit of ice and snow off my deck today and emjoyed a very warm and sunny day.
Hej Anja!
Supermacron visste jag inte att den fanns, så det var ju en riktigt rolig upptäckt :-)
Visst är det så att nu när tranorna anlänt så är det vår! Men det skall bli riktigt skönt när tjälen släpper, det är alldeles plaskvått i trädgården också nämligen, inget jag är van vid eftersom jag har sandjord här.
Gillar verkligen opera, men har svårt för när de klämmer ihop den med pop. Men som jag och kompisarna sade, hellre denna än Måns Zelmerlöfs låt :-)
Ha det gott nu!
Hi Woody!
It is really fun to make those small ditches between different puddles to get the water away :-) Have done that ever since I was a little child :-)
As You say, there will be a chance that a somg wins next year that I like :-)
Have a nice day now!
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