Woke up this night when the house started to tremble. Couldn´t understand what happened at first, but then I heard the wind. It must have been storming for a short while I think, outherwise the house wouldn´t tremble like that. Unfortunally the wind came from north east and my cottage always gets freezing cold then. The arctic winds has flown down over our country all day and will continue to do so for a couple of days. The newspapers screamed that we were going to have extreme weather this week, but when I read what the article said I understood that we just were going to have normal March weather :-) :-) But they had probably no other news yesterday and extreme weather always sells copies :-)
Today I had to walk in the forest because the arctic wind was terrible out on the fields.
Perhaps You want to know something about Sweden and the sweeds?
It seemes that sweeds is seen as some what stupid out there in Europe :-) In Spain they have a saying: “Don´t make Your self sweedish”, by that meaning “don´t make Your self more stupid than you are” :-) And in Brittain they call the rutabaga for a sweed :-) I don´t think that we are more stupid though. But when we think we know someone very well we have a tendency to trust them what ever they say or do.
There were two deers that didn´t get especially bothered by me and my dogs. If You walk into a home in Sweden (as in Japan)You always take of Your shoes as soon You are indoors. It´s a big NO NO to let Your shoes stay on Your feet, unless they who lives there says that You can keep them on. I have three big dogs that makes the floors at my home durty, I usually tell people to have their shoes on :-)
We have the highest taxes in the world, but few complaines about it. Sometimes we actully wants it that way :-) But we do get a lot for the money. For instance we never pay more than (in todays American dollar price) 218 dollars for healthcare a year. The same amount for medicines too. So next time I have to get my hip fixed I only pay that amount.
The little creek once again has a layer of ice. It´s awfully cold at nights now.
Suicide is the most common way to die here if You are between 15 and 44 years old, but we are far from being worst of that in the world. We have everything to be honest, but still we seems to feel miserable.
Sweden is slightly bigger than California, but we are only nine million people living here. Sweden is the fith biggest country in Europe and has the third, sixth and ninth biggest lakes.
Our National day is june sixth, but few knows why :-)
It is said that it was swedish vikings that founded Russia, but don´t blame us for what has happened there since then :-)
The only birds I saw today was four swans flying just above the tree tops.
We have a king and queen and our flag is one of the oldest in the world (the danish is older though). Sweden hasn´t been involved in a war since 1814, before that we were always in war with someone. If it wasn´t Denmark/Norway it was with the russians. Sometimes we were way down in Europe too.
We joined the European Union, but we don´t like it :-) If we can protest about what the union wants to do we protest :-)
We also were the first to start reality shows and I do appologise for that :-) The first one was what most countries calles “Survivor”. No other country thought that was a good idea, but us. Since it became a hugh succes here other countries followed. After that all the hidious shows just started all over the world and I do appologise once again, I´m so sorry about that :-)
Have a nice day now!”