This blogg is going to be about my garden, my animals and a lot about my daily life.If You leave a comment to me I always answer at the same place in my blogg!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
For once in their lifes they stood still long enough to get a good picture :-) Click on the pictures to enlarge them, they usually gets better then.
I´ve never noticed the strange form on this spruce before. I wonder if it always has had this round top or if anything happened to it sometime.
The blackberries are in bloom now. We call them Bear berries.
There will be a lot of berries on this bush alone if lucky. It´s not always the get to ripe here, it all depends on how the autumn gets. One cold night and bye bye to the berries.
Finally I found a blue Jacobs ladder or Blue gold as we call them too.
Incarvillea zhongdiaensis. This one can stand our cold winters but rot if the winters are wet.It´s related to the Catalpa trees.
My dogroses will soon be covered in pink flowers.
I´m making a small hill of all the grass I´ve dug up on the pond spot. I´ll also cover it with some of all soil and sand that has to go somewhere. Usually I have about one feet of soil and then pure sand. On the pondspot it´s of course the only place in the garden that there is soil almost half a meter down :-)
This is not the shape the pond will have in the end since I´m making it wider. 1,5 meter isn´t that wide after all :-) But I did want a small pond and small it is :-)
Almost there now. I´ve made a mark on the spade so I would know when I reached 75 cm.
Jösses vad du gräver, vilket jobb!! Hundarna ser inte så himla farliga ut;-) Så undrar jag varför jag inte har några Vallmo;-) Köpte en perenn i år får väl se om den kommer nästa. Blågull har jag men inte i blom än.
Tjänare Fuh! Nä inte är de hundarna farliga inte, tvärt om :-)
Jag sådde en hel del ettårig vallmo tidigt i våras men inte en av dem kommer upp verkar det som. Däremot kommer det upp självsådda på andra ställen. Jättevallmon kommer vare sig jag vill det eller inte. Får man dem bara till att klara första året verkar de stanna kvar sedan.
Den vita och rosa blågullen har blommat länge här, men nu äntligen kommer den blå igång. Ha det gott! Christer.
Tjänare Helen! Jag ville bara ha en liten damm, något som mer skall påminna om ett litet vattenhål ute si skogen. Minns dem så väl från när jag var liten och vandrade omkring i skogarna runt sommarstugan. Men i och med att jag nu gör den grundare kommer den ju att bli två meter bred, troligen mer praktiskt om jag skall vara ärlig. Ha det gott! Christer. are really making progress on the pond. this is fun to watch it grow! do you think the dogs will try to swim in it? When i first had my ponds a man from a garden center came with a delivery. he brought his golden lab with him. they dog was barely a year old. this dog was in heaven!!! it ran from pond to pond and just threw itself into each of them with utter abandon. chow chows are very dainty when it comes to water. teddy goes in very slowly and just until her feet are covered. how did midsummers eve turn out?
Hi joyce! It´s rather easy to dig here, but there are a lot of round handsized or smaller stones everywhere in the ground. I´m thinking of having them at the bottom of the deep hole in the pond.
Even if there are New Foundland and labrador retriver (about half of their origin come from them) they despice water :-) :-) They might go there to drink but nothing else. Have a great day now! Christer.
Hi Chelle! Yes it´s a poppy. Gigant poppy and here it´s a weed :-) Every now and again I have to dig away a lot of them.
It´s easy to dig here, mostly it´s only sand in my garden even if there were a lot more soil on the spot than I thought it would be. By making the pond so small it wount cost that much either :-)
Lets hope that it´ll turn out the way I want. But it´ll take some time to finish it with all plants. So perhaps some time next year we´ll know the result. Have a great day now! Christer.
Great you got the pond going it looks real cool. It will be a great addition to your garden area.That was a good sky today and it now is on my desktop.
Hi Woody! The pond will get slightly longer and wider and that´s good I think. It was more difficult doing the smaller one if I wanted to have any plants in it.
That sky looked fantastic yesterday. I never get tired on clods! Have a great day now! Christer.
Those dogs are just beautiful...majestic I think. I think I see what you are doing with the pond. The the deepest and you dig that first and then work outward... :) I am not doing the digging so...this is REALLY fun! :) Everything is just so and beautiful.
Hi Mona! I thought it was a better idea to dig the deep hole first, but now afterwords I think I thought wrong. All soil from around fell down into the hole, so I had to dig it up rather often :-)
To be honest, it has been fun to dig this pond :-) Have a great day now! Christer.
Jösses vad du gräver, vilket jobb!!
Hundarna ser inte så himla farliga ut;-) Så undrar jag varför jag inte har några Vallmo;-) Köpte en perenn i år får väl se om den kommer nästa. Blågull har jag men inte i blom än.
Tjänare Fuh!
Nä inte är de hundarna farliga inte, tvärt om :-)
Jag sådde en hel del ettårig vallmo tidigt i våras men inte en av dem kommer upp verkar det som. Däremot kommer det upp självsådda på andra ställen. Jättevallmon kommer vare sig jag vill det eller inte. Får man dem bara till att klara första året verkar de stanna kvar sedan.
Den vita och rosa blågullen har blommat länge här, men nu äntligen kommer den blå igång.
Ha det gott!
Lycka till med grävningen, jag tror din damm blir jättebra när den blir färdig. Men 1,5 meter är kanske i minsta laget =)
Tjänare Helen!
Jag ville bara ha en liten damm, något som mer skall påminna om ett litet vattenhål ute si skogen. Minns dem så väl från när jag var liten och vandrade omkring i skogarna runt sommarstugan. Men i och med att jag nu gör den grundare kommer den ju att bli två meter bred, troligen mer praktiskt om jag skall vara ärlig.
Ha det gott!
Christer. are really making progress on the pond. this is fun to watch it grow! do you think the dogs will try to swim in it? When i first had my ponds a man from a garden center came with a delivery. he brought his golden lab with him. they dog was barely a year old. this dog was in heaven!!! it ran from pond to pond and just threw itself into each of them with utter abandon. chow chows are very dainty when it comes to water. teddy goes in very slowly and just until her feet are covered. how did midsummers eve turn out?
Love the poppy picture.. I think it is a poppy anyway.. the red one above. Mine didn't come to life after planting.. guess I will try again next year.
Great progress on the pond. looks like it will be lovely and serene.
Hi joyce!
It´s rather easy to dig here, but there are a lot of round handsized or smaller stones everywhere in the ground. I´m thinking of having them at the bottom of the deep hole in the pond.
Even if there are New Foundland and labrador retriver (about half of their origin come from them) they despice water :-) :-) They might go there to drink but nothing else.
Have a great day now!
Hi Chelle!
Yes it´s a poppy. Gigant poppy and here it´s a weed :-) Every now and again I have to dig away a lot of them.
It´s easy to dig here, mostly it´s only sand in my garden even if there were a lot more soil on the spot than I thought it would be. By making the pond so small it wount cost that much either :-)
Lets hope that it´ll turn out the way I want. But it´ll take some time to finish it with all plants. So perhaps some time next year we´ll know the result.
Have a great day now!
Great you got the pond going it looks real cool. It will be a great addition to your garden area.That was a good sky today and it now is on my desktop.
Hi Woody!
The pond will get slightly longer and wider and that´s good I think. It was more difficult doing the smaller one if I wanted to have any plants in it.
That sky looked fantastic yesterday. I never get tired on clods!
Have a great day now!
Those dogs are just beautiful...majestic I think. I think I see what you are doing with the pond. The the deepest and you dig that first and then work outward... :) I am not doing the digging so...this is REALLY fun! :) Everything is just so and beautiful.
Hi Mona!
I thought it was a better idea to dig the deep hole first, but now afterwords I think I thought wrong. All soil from around fell down into the hole, so I had to dig it up rather often :-)
To be honest, it has been fun to dig this pond :-)
Have a great day now!
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