I have downloaded Live writer in to my computer and have spent the last two hours to try to figure out how to use it! They show how to add the blog but the picture they show doesn´t look like it does on my computer at all!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don´t have that kind of toolbar anywhere!!!!So how on earth do they mean I´m going to use this writer?????? I click on every guide line there is to ge started but nothing happens and there is absolutely no help to get. I hate when this happens! So later today I´ll start a blog on WordPress just in case this place drives me even more nuts than it has already :-) :-)
I woke up in the best of moods today, but Windows Live writer really changed that to quite the opposite!
Migrating geese.
It was quite cloudy and dark here this morning. But that has changed to windy, sunny and clear blue sky now.
I found a rather fun article in the newspaper this morning. I think You all know that it is in Sweden the Nobel prizes are given, but did You know that the Harvard University gives away the IgNobel prize every year? It gives no money nor honor and when You first read about this it´s rather fun, but when comming to think of it this can actually be worth knowing in the long run.
This year the prize in mathematic is given to Italian scientists that by a mathematical model found out that organisations actually works best if promotion is given randomly :-) That does show that all those expensive recruitment practices is totally unnessecary :-)
The Peace prize is given to English scientists that has found out that swear words actually can give pain relief and the Medicine prize were given to those that showed that a ride in a roller coaster reduced the sensaion of breathlessness when You have asthma. Well the last one could perhaps be useful if one is near a roller coaster. But come to think of it, if You have a small child suffering from asthma it could help to play roller coaster by lifting and sinking the child rapidly in th air.
Two seconds after I took this photo a big red fox walked out on the road n front of us. It saw us and ran away before I even go a chance to lift up my camera. So You´ll have to believe me when I say that it was very beautiful.
Earlier prizes has gone to a swedish scientist for his studies of the farts of herrings :-) It was the army that heard a strange sound when they were listening for foreign submarines in swedish waters :-) So they hired a scientist to find out what it was they heard :-) :-) One won the prize since he showed the beat way to make a comb over :-) :-) Someone has also won it for showing how we can make frogs float in the air by using magnets and one because he or she showed how to make a mouth protection from a bra :-) :-)
There is probably lots more to know if You search on IgNobel on the internet :-) The prize award is held every year in an auditorium at Harvard and hosted by the humoristic magazine "Annals of Improbable Research". I think this prize beats the Nobel prize in every way :-)
It´s a cold morning over here so I have a fire in the stove and I´m already on my third cup of tea this morning :-)
Have a grea day now!