Saturday, July 31, 2010

One thing is sure though. My old camera showed the true colors better than this one does. The grass is deeper green in real life. Perhaps I can adjust that? I did notice now that the photo´s are looking blurry here on the blog. But if You click on them they become bigger and not blurry at all! To high quality with 10 megapixel photo´s perhaps?

The day started out cloudy, windy and cool but just now I can see a glimpse of the sun again. I don´t know how much rain we´ve gotten these last few days, but my pond is over full and that means a lot of rain. I can also see it on the rasp berries in the forest. They have already started to decompose and that´s way too early. I was planning on picking some to make me some jam, but now it´s too late I´m afraid.

So I fetched my new camera yesterday and went out for some test photographing when it didn´t rain that much. I can use the automatic settings if I want too but I can also use four different settings (that I can adjust after my own will) , but I still haven´t understood the difference between these four settings. The only thing I can see is that the blender is different on each one of them.

So this morning I took four photos of every object to see the difference. The only problem is that on each photo series no one of the setting made the best photo all of the time. I would like to say that they all was the best at one time each :-) :-) :-) So today I`ll put the second CD in my computer to see if that explains more about my camera. The instruction book mostly showed ”This is how You take a photograph”. That I already know, now I want to know more about the different adjustments I can do.

I tried the automatic setting too. But it always shows that I need the flash. ”It´s too dark” it says on the display. How much use is a flash when taking a photo of the mountain several kilometers (several miles) away :-) :-) :-) I´ve also decided that my cameras name now is Eeyor, well it´s really Ior which is the Swedish name for Eeyor. It does what it is supposed to do, but not without a bit of protesting first :-)

Now it´s time for a cup of tea, a scones or two that I baked yesterday since I had no bread left and then off to the grocery store in Gudhem.

Have a great day now!


Friday, July 30, 2010

A temporary solution for my Frostgrape vine. But now it at least gets some sunshine.

The wind is howling and the rain is pouring down. Not entirely true to be honest, but it looks better when writing it :-) But we do have a strong wind and the rain comes and goes in showers or as misty drizzle. No matter how the rain falls I get soaked and cold when going outside. But outside I had to go today. My goal was to drive to the beautiful town Lidköping.

Even I would have no problems passing around that gate! They should naturally have barbed wire on the sides too!

My camera had arrived You see. It turned out it had arrived already on Wednesday but since everyone in the store thought someone already had phoned me no one did :-) So Yesterday afternoon a Young very happy and slightly laughing girl phoned me to say that the camera had arrived and that every one there thought that someone already had phoned me :-) :-) :-)

And the lake just goes on and on and on........

So off I went this morning to fetch my new camera. I went early since it took some time the last time I was there. There was a bit of problem this time too since no one seemed to know what paper I should sign. You know the troubles I had with that membership card? I had gotten the papers for the card I shouldn´t have in my mail and didn´t dare to do anything with it until I knew for sure that they had the right papers in the store. While I was waiting for everything to be ok I looked at the DVD’s they were selling. So I came home with two of them too :-) “Alice in Wonderland” and “The Proposal” with Sandra Bullock.

I promised some more photo´s from Lidköping the last time and I got some down by the lake Vänern. I drove to a small Marina that I know of. It was just like when I had my sailboat but without one very important thing! The scents from a salty ocean. Seagulls however flew above my head most of the time :-)Vänern is Sweden’s biggest and Europe’s third biggest lake. Nothing compared to the big ones in Northern America though.

This is just by the harbour close to the city.I think the buildings You can see behind the bridge once belonged to the porcelain factory (Rörstrands) that was here not to many years ago.

But now I´m waiting for the battery to get charged before I can test it. It seems one can do a zillion things with it and I would be surprised if I even got to learn half of it :-) :-) :-) So during my waiting I´ll have a cup of tea and after that I´ll look at the European Athletic championship. We Swedes doesn´t do especially well this year, nor does the Danes, Norwegians or Finns either I´m afraid.
Have a great day now!

My new camera! Like most things I have it must get a name :-) But I can´t decide that before I´ve properly have met and used it :-)

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Today it´s raining so almost all photo´s comes from yesterdays morning walk.

So off to the vet we vent yesterday hoping it wouldn´t be anything to serious with Orvar. He jumped happily in to the car, even if he looked a bit suspicious when the other two weren´t allowed on this trip. He had his head outside the car window almost all the way but the closer we got the less often he wanted to do that. The worst thing he´s been through at the vet is a vaccine shot, so I really don´t understand why he gets so worried. Once I had a dog that always was extremely happy when she came to the vet and she had gone through a lot of surgery there.

Anyway, we went in and if I would have allowed it Orvar would have been sitting in my lap :-) But a 99 pound dog is a bit too heavy :-) We had to wait a bit because they were x-raying two other big dogs before us. They weren´t cooperative at all so they had to use sedative on them. Orvar however we all thought would be no problems at all. He may not be the brightest star in the sky, but he normally does what he is expected to. Well we got him on the x-ray table without too much problem and we also got him to lie down. We also managed to start taking the x-ray. But it´s an old machine and it makes a lot of noise, not good when it comes to Orvar.

We did get a real good photo of his elbow, even if it was his shoulder we tried to x-ray :-) :-) :-) So we had to give him sedative too. But it turned out that it wasn´t anything seriously wrong with him after all. His shoulder had been dislocated and after a while located itself again. So now I have to stop him from playing to tough with his brother for a while, nothing more :-) But I don´t think I ever will be able to get him in to that vet again :-) :-) :-)

A very strange thing happened before we were going to the vet though. I was watching the European Athletics championship on TV when my phone rang. I had had the computer problems the day before and talked with a young man on Hewlett Packard that was a great help. So I´m sitting there and watching when he suddenly calls me up just to ask me if my computer still works fine!!!! Has that ever happened to You? Something like this has never happened to me before. I didn´t know that someone actually cared so much about their customers that they phoned back just to be certain that what they did worked and that I as a customer is satisfied with their job!

Bertil was already out somewhere when we started our walk, but he met up with us half way home.

Today we met our neighbours the Cattles. Very friendly even if my dogs were quite visible.

At the moment the computer worked fine and I thanked him so much for all help and that he actually cared. Unfortunally it all started again when we came home from the vet. This time however nothing bad happened, it only started to make an inconsistency control again. So I phoned Hewlett-Packard again and then they helped me to program my computer not to do so again. It seems there´s a programming problem in Window (Is anyone surprised by that??? Next time I have to buy a Mac!!! I´ll just have to start saving now because they are a bit expensive). So now I do hope my computer stays calm for a while :-)

The first flower to open up on my pelargonium (geranium) P.Australe. I can´t understnad why this one isn´t more popular. Gets lots opf flowers and flowers for a very long time.
Another of my Pelargoniums, but I can´t for my life remember its name.

Morning dew on my Iliamna.

By the way! I tried to use Safari for PC instead of explorer on my computer but whenever I typed the letter @ I jumped back to the start site on internet :-) :-) :-) It´s a bit hard to write mail addresses if I can´t use that letter :-) :-) :-) So if anyone of You readers knows a way round this problem please tell me! Now it´s time for a pot of tea and then the championships on TV again.
Have a great day now!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Well it seemes it works again.

Foggy and warm this morning.

Yesterday started out real nice actually. It was cloudy but the temperature had risen considerably since the day before. We were out quite early (like always :-) ) and I got some real good photo´s on the mountine. Small clouds were stuck here and there like big cottan balls blown in there by the wind. Waterdrops were falling from the trees and birds were singing.

After having breakfast and reading the morning paper I drove to Lidköping. I was a bit early and had plenty of time. There were almost no traffic, to late for those working and to early for those driving around with caravans on their vacation. I came to the store just when they had opened it and met this young girl that really knew what she was talking about when it came to cameras. I decided to order the Nikon D3000 and then all problems started :-)

No problem ordering the camera, that took about ten seconds, but I decided to get a membership card so I can pay for the camera how fast or slow as I wish (I do need other things like a washing mashine, freezer/refridgerator and tomorrow Orvar is getting x-rayed, it might be that he needs surgery and that´s not cheap). When applying for that membership card everything went wrong :-) :-) She got a code telling that something was wrong and no matter what she tried it refused to tell us what it was. So she called the headquartes and it seemed that I already had a membership card??!!

Here are some phot´s of houses in Lidköping. They are all placed in one block and I think many of tyhem once were one family houses, but nowdays I think that they all are appartement buildings.

There were people walking all over the place, but I managed to take photo´s without getting to many of them on the photo´s :-)

I did fill that form in my computor, but thought I had aborted it since I had a feeling it would be better doing it at the store. So then all had to be deleted and made all over again. Funny enough their computor system didn´t cooperate at all so nothing happened. Finally they had to do it from the head quaters but nothing showed on the compuer at the store. I also had to sign a paper showing I wanted this and that didn´t work either. So they tried to fax it to the store. Guess what?? It never arrived :-) :-) :-) Well, the camera is ordered and I´ll sign the papers when I go there to get it. I do have a memebership card, but I just don´t have it in my wallet :-)

The water tower.

When I came home I started my computor and something happens. A message was shown saying: The computer has to be inconsistency checked. Have no idea what that means but it did so anyway :-) After that I couldn´t reach my own desktop any more! So I tried to go back to a date I know the computer worked as it should, after that nothing worked :-) :-) So I called to the company that I bought it from not long ago. I must say that every one was helpful, understanding and very polite. But not many of them knew what they were talking about :-) After several hours I finally got the telephone number to Hewlett Packard. The young man I talked to there looked at the code I´ve gotten from the computer when it broke down. That code meant: Catastrophic failure! :-):-):-) First we tried to do some smaller adjustments but that didn´t work so finally he guided me so I could reformat the hard disk. Now it works once again (cross Your fingers and hold Your thumbs) but all photo´s from yesterdays morning walk are gone (and all other photo´s I had too) and all blog adresses I had is also gone. So If You don´t hear from me in a while it´s just because I have troubles finding You again.

A Swedish Mission church church.

 "Djurens vänner" (that woul´d be The animals friends) animal shelter.

Now it´s time for a cup of tea before going to Gudhems grocery store to get some food and milk.
Have a great day now!