Tuesday, June 29, 2010

It was no use sleeping longer today, even if I´m hoe, since I´m going to work tomorrow again. It´ll be overtime tomorrow afternoon so it´s a good thing I always take the day of from blogging on Wednesdays. The morning was cool as most summer mornings are up here in the north. I can´t trust my thermometer this time of year, because the sun hits it already as soon as it goes up and again when it goes down. Around 530 miles (85,3 european mil) the sun doesn´t go down at all for yet some time.

We won´t get any blackberries this year, they started to flower today.

But the temperature had dropped to around 5C (41F) just before the sun started to rise above the horizon. I love these cool mornings when summer heat arrives. I always wake up early and I and my dogs takes our morning walk before those blood sucking flies starts their day. It seemes they are a bit tired in the morning You see :-) :-) But before leaving the cottage I started a fire in my stove and burned some paper garbage. It´s to hot to do it during the day now, but if I open the kitchen door at the same time in the morning, the heat flies out directly. It´s also so much easier to start a fire when it´s cool outside. Later in the day I usually gets a bvack haul in the chimney and all smoke goes in to the kitchen instead :-) :-) It´s those day I know if my fire alarm works or not :-) :-) :-)

I´m going to mowe the lawn before we go to the vet today. I could really start now if I wanted too, my closest neighbour has gone to work and the others is that far away that the sound shouldn´t bother them. But the grass will be very wet from the due another hour or so and I just love when it is this silent in the village. There are just some birds singing and some cows can also be heard. Nothing else.

When we came home again this doe stood outside my garden.

She was in no hurry walking away either. I think this is the doe we´ve met all winter so she knows my dogs rather well by now.

It´s time for another cup of tea I think, then some relaxing before the lawn mowing.
Have a great day now!

It might be that her youngling is close too. I know of one doe that placed her youngling in the garden where there were dogs too. She trusted them and probably thought the fox wouldn´t get in there. She was very right indeed :-)

Big sage, Stachys grandiflora. Can grow in the most shaded areas.


Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Morning Christer, looking at the flowers, doe, cows started off MY morning too - thanks to your photos. We live in a small town of only 500 people which is very small compared to areas we've lived before, and it is nice, but your town is much more picturesque and your walks show so much of nature and its beauty...THANKS!

Terria said...

Christer, Hope all goes well today at the vet. And what beautiful flowers and scenery in your photos. Until reading your blog I wasn't aware that there were still deer in Sweden. Nice to know that.

The cottage by the Cranelake said...

Hi Beatrice!
In this area ther´s just a few deers, otherwise we have lots of them. We even have species like Red deer and Fallow deer even if the shouldn´t be here at all :-) :-)

It´s very kind of You to call this a town :-) It´s hardly a village to be honest :-) Our cottages and houses is spread over a rather large area to be honest, usually three and three together.

But most of Sweden looks like this nowdays. We´re only nine million people in a country slightly bigger than California. A third of our population lives in and around the three big cities. So we have lots of space and nature here :-)

Since we have a law (in our constitution nowdays) that allows all people to walk every where in nature, no matter who owns it You can imagine how much space we have to walk on :-) :-) We can also pick berries, mushrooms and flowers (if not endangered)where ever we wants to (exept for gardens naturally). We can camp one night in nature without asking the land owner for permission, and have a campfire with dead sticks and branches picked in the forest. We call it All mans right (directly translated from the swedish name of the law).
Have a great day now!

The cottage by the Cranelake said...

Hi Terria!
It sort of went well at the vet. I´ll explain more on thursday.

I happened to answer about the deers in my answer to Beatrice :-) :-) :-)

If it wasn´t for all flies this would be paradise :-)
Have a great day now!

Anjas Hill said...

Hur gick det hos veterinären?

Ha det gott!/Anja

The cottage by the Cranelake said...

Hejsan Anja!
Han kianske har artrit, så nu skall jag ge honom Metracam, samma medicin hans mor har vilket är väldigt praktiskt eftersom jag har en stoor flaska här hemma :-), i två veckor. Kommer värken tillbaka blir det röntgen för vidare utredning som det så vackert heter.

Ha det gott du också!

Anonymous said...

If you're not blogging tomorrow Chirster, jump back on later today and let us know what the vet said about Orvar. I'm praying he will be OK.

The cottage by the Cranelake said...

Hi Z&M!
It may be arthritis he has, but we won´t know for sure yet. Now I´ll give him the same medicine his mother gets every morning. It´s an anti inflammatory and painkilling medicine. I´ll stop giving him that after two weeks and then we´ll see if it comes back. If it does they´ll do bigger investigations. But we are still hoping that it´s njust an ordinary injury after playing with his brother.
Have a great day now!

jaz@octoberfarm said...

hi christer...i hope all the news from the vet is good. your village must be one of the most peaceful places on the planet! joyce

The cottage by the Cranelake said...

Hi Joyce!
I´m not sure if the news are good or bad yet. She ruled out Lyme disease for now, the pain should then come and go in different places, not stay at one place all the time. We´re hoping for an injury when he has played with his brother. Otherwise it´s most probably arthritis.

So now I´m going to give him the same medicine his mother gets every day for the comming two weeks. If the pain and limping then comes back they´ll start with xraying him. This medicine will probably help him for the rest of his life if he has arthritis, so I don´t have to worry about a shorter and painful life for him.

Have a great day now!

The cottage by the Cranelake said...

And I do believe that this most probably is the most peaceful place on earth, at least my part of the village :-)

Sharlene T. said...

The news seems to be good from the vet... will keep my fingers crossed... loved the pix this a.m. and hope there'll be more... my neighbor just called to let me know there's a gazillion blueberries ready for picking and I can have all I want! Yeah!... cobbler time!... yum...

Twitter: SolarChief

Anonymous said...

Christer I love the pics of clover ! we are having the odd warm day here too but it is still a very cold & wet summer some days just 15c . I even wonder will we get frost !
I love your farm images it makes me think of my Grandmother Grace and her family who were pennsylvania ditch she loved the farm & the forest too .
Thank You Christer

The cottage by the Cranelake said...

Hi Sharlene!
We think it´s nothing worse than a smaller injury, but even if it is arthritis thers medicine towards that too :-)

We don´t have blueberries in our forest. We have lots of blueberry bushes, but never a single berry?? I´ve been looking for over ten years now and never found one berry even :-) :-)
Have a great time picking them!

The cottage by the Cranelake said...

Hi Rox!
We´re going to get it a bit cooler today, with eventual rain and thunder, but it will turn towards warmer again already tomorrow. It seemes summer heat is here to stay a while. But we have been very close to frost here some mornings!

I can understand that she loved an area like this :-)
Have a great day now!

Valerie said...

Hi sweet friend!

Thanks so much for dropping by! And while you are right...that I probably won't have as much time for blogging/visiting as I would like with a new babe, I think just not being diabetic will be good for the soul! I'm really trying hard to manage my blood sugars, but I've bee sort of a "non-compliant" patient of late! Just too tired to even make healthy choices! Ridiculous, I know!

Your pictures are beautiful! I wish we were still having some cool mornings...although we have had a break from the extreme heat...mid 80s (F) instead of upper 90s with heat index above 100! That too has been taking it's toll on me!

Last week (after just returning home from vacation) I had to teach "Vacation Bible School" at my church. At the time when I volunteered, it sounded like a great idea...and I was only half-way thru the pregnancy...full of energy. Let me tell you, the 9-12 year olds that I taught really gave me a run for my money! HA! So, I didn't post or visit at all last week.

Enjoy your Wednesday off from blogging and earning some extra cash from working overtime!

Take care now,

The cottage by the Cranelake said...

Hi Valerie!
Having the new baby will be so much more fun than blogging so You won´t miss us the least :-)

Summer mornings over here is mostly cool. Even though it was over 84F here yesterday, it was only 57F this morning and that was the warmest morning this year :-)

When it´s been as hot as it has over at Yours nothing is fun! Especially doing the healthy choices :-) :-) Perfectly understandable to me!

I was a leader in my church for 7-10 years old kids, a sort of scouts. The funny thing was that we had both muslim and jewish children going there too :-) Anyway, those kids on hot summers day could drain all energy out from me, but i loved doing it anyway :-) I always had the toughest boys arund me :-)

Take care in the heat now!

Perovskia said...

Does the smoke alarm bother the dogs? Babu hates it and he goes running under the bed.

Love the pics of the doe. Fantastic.

I think I'm creeping back out of the woodwork. I'm going to take a peek at your past entries; not sure if I'll reply to them all, but I'm here :)

The cottage by the Cranelake said...

Hi Perovskia!
No, it doesn´t bother them especially much. Loud noices rarly does thankfully.

She was so beautiful that doe :-)

Take care now!

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

You laws about mans right to walk where he wants..is amazing to me. How wonderful. No one can really own the earth, according to the Indians! I rather agree with that.

The cottage by the Cranelake said...

Hi Mona!
It´s only Sweden and Finland that has this law to this extension. Others has parts of it, but nothing close.

The reason they made these rules was that people were starving to death and since there was lots to eat (like berries and mushrooms) in the forest the king back then allowed the people to pick as much as they needed. It doesn´t seeme to have been any resitance from the nobility either. These rules then became an unwritten law and now I heard that they had put it down in our constitution :-)

I agree with the Indians. We can´t bring any of that with us when we die :-) :-) :-)
Have a great day now!