Saturday, April 3, 2010

I woke up this morning noticing that I couldn´t say a word. It was as if my vocal cords had been paralysed. But after a cup of tea or two it started to loosen up in mt throat. Now I sound like Donald Duck if he had lived on whiskey and cigarres for two weeks :-) :-) :-) I have no fever though.

The night had been a bit cold and so it was inside too. I have shut down most radiators now and cold nights outside means cold mornings inside :-) I realised that I had very few fire logs left and decided to drive to Falköping to see if I could find some more. But first I and my dogs took our morning walk. This time Bertil was asleep on the upper floor, so he missed to follow us. Something he complained loudly about when we came home again :-)

This worked as an Abby between 1152-1529. I think it was 1527 that we left Catholicism and became Protestants that it was decided that all church belongings now belonged to the king and state. Gudhems Abbey burned down 1529 .

It was a wonderful morning. The sun started to shine as we started our walk and even if it was somewhat cold I couldn´t but enjoy the world. Cranes and geese could be heard from a distance and the meadow lark just above our heads. I noticed that the forest pigeons gathered in a tree outside my cittage before getting out on the fields looking for food. Not far from where we walked some Fallow deers stood and ate, they hadn´t heard us comming.

This is the grave of Queen Catherine Sunesdotter (a copy if I understand things correctly. The original is placed in a museum in Stockholm). She donated most of her considreble wealth to this abbey and lived the last years of her life here.

In a way I was lucky when I came to Falköping. I did find firelogs to my surprise, but I wasn´t that surprised when I saw the price :-) :-) They are hard to come by now so they had raised the price with over 38% Well since I am home all day now and it is nice to have a fire in the stove cold mornings I bought some anyway, but it was probably for the last time this season.

I felt I couldn´t show You photo´s of Falköping already since I did that only a few days ago. So I thought of the reason the second grooup of tourists comes to this area. Those interested in history (and a couple of books that gotten rediculusly popular here in Sweden. Thay are about a Temple Knight called Arn). Most historians now belive that the cradle of Sweden was just here where I live. In some places one can´t take a step without walking on something historical. People doesn´t dare digging in their gardens just in case something would turn up :-) :-) So Today You´ll see photo´s from the ruins of Gudhems Abbey.

Have a great Easter now!


womanwisdom said...

Hi Christer!

I love the photos of Gudhems Abbey! I love history. Europe is indeed replete with beautiful old structures that speak much about its origins. One of my very good friends is a historian-author who specializes in the Spanish period, here in the Philippines. We too have a lot of old churches built in the early 1500s when the Spanish came to the islands.

Thanks very much again for your photos Christer!

Have a wonderful Easter too!

weena :)

caryn said...

Good morning, Christer!

More beautiful photos. I'm inspired to take my camera along on my dog walks.

At least history tourists don't have to stop suddenly in the middle of the highway. Ruins and historical sites tend to stay where they always were and not surprise people by appearing suddenly in some other place.

Anonymous said...

I would visit the ruins of the Abbey Christer. Even as a tourist. I enjoy learning about that type of history. I didn't study the Religious wars over there but see mostly in movies the term Christian Wars, named after you maybe, maybe not, but there was much violence for a people who believed in their Gods of Peace. I can never understand that. Why people choose a God of Peace and then use the God as a reason to start a war, kill other people. What a thought for Easter. Enjoy your chocolate bunnies!

The cottage by the Cranelake said...

Hi Weena!
I too love history and to visit and learn about places like this. By the way, Gudhem means Gods home :-)
Have a great easter now!

The cottage by the Cranelake said...

Hi Caryn!
That is what I like about those tourists :-) One knows where one has them :-) :-)

Yes, bring Your camera with you, There are so many thing to photograph but it´s not always one thinks of that when walking around.
Have a great easter now!

The cottage by the Cranelake said...

Hi Z&M!
I do like to visit places like that. I thin I´ll visit another place soon and show here. It´s not a ruin though. But the church are from this period in time too.

The religious wars we have had and still have in this world is never about religion. They are about power. That the leaders then tries to cover it up by using the religion should send them to hell!

No chocolate bunnies here, but I did buy a big chocolate bar with lots of hazelnuts in it :-) :-)
Have a great easter now!

Vittran said...

Ser ut att ha varit en härlig morgon. Tråkigt att veden har blivit så dyr. Här börjar den också ta slut men här blir det till att hugga i skogen.
Det finns nog många som hoppas att de har korsriddare i släkten. En del av min släkt kommer från dom trakterna men jag är inte så intresserad.
Önskar dig en riktigt Glad Påsk!

The cottage by the Cranelake said...

Tjänare Vittran!
Det har varit en helt fantastisk dag kan jag berätta :-) Har njutit i solen mest hela tiden :-)

Men vad man vet har vi väl inte haft några svenska korsriddare överhuvudtaget?! Min släkt kommer från blekinge och skåne hela högen, så jag härstammar väl från en hög med danskar jag :-) :-)
Ha en riktigt god påsk!

Sharlene T. said...

What a lovely Easter surprise! I love old Abbeys and really want to thank you for the tour! Now, I am really, really, jealous of your cottage life. Hope you have a wonderful Easter -- and, I'm going to start taking my camera with me on my treks, just to see what shows up!

Wenche said...

Jag tycker det är så rörande med katten som följer med på era skogsvandringar
Glad påsk!

The cottage by the Cranelake said...

Hi Sharlene!
I love old abbeys too. It´s something special with them, ruins or still standing doesn´t matter. Especially here in a country where most of us been strictly Lutheran protestants.

Yes take Your camera with You, there are usually so many thing to photograph even if one passes them every day without more then noticing them.
Have a great easter now!

The cottage by the Cranelake said...

Hej Wenche!
Ja han har den egenheten att han helst skall följa med på varenda promenad :-) Ibland lurar jag in honom innan vi ger oss iväg och då är han riktigt iriiterad när vi kommer hem :-)

Ha en riktigt trevlig påsk!

jaz@octoberfarm said...

hi christer....this place is gorgeous! i want to live in it! what are your easter plans? have a great holiday! joyce

The cottage by the Cranelake said...

Hi Joyce!
It is beautiful there,but it would be a bit cold during winter I guess :-) :-) :-)

Since my cold doesn´t seeme to be leaving I´ll just stay here at home hoping it´ll be over early next week. My throat is anything but fun at the moment.

Happy Easter!

Kat said...

I so love the photos of the abbey. You gave us such great views. The stonework is unbelievable. Thanks so much, Christer!!

The cottage by the Cranelake said...

Hi Kat!
It is somthing special with old ruins!and it is amazing that they still stand after so long time!
Have a great day now!

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

This post was REALLY interesting. I loved the photo's and the bit of history. History is one of my favorite things...
Thanks, Christer!

Perovskia said...

Thank you so much for sharing the pictures of the Abbey. Beautiful.

The cottage by the Cranelake said...

Hi Mona!
History is one of my favourite subjects too! I´ll try to visit more places this summer :-)
Take care!

The cottage by the Cranelake said...

Hi Perovska!
I´m glad You like my photo´s :-)
Have a great day and welcome back!