This was taken the day before my trip to surgery.
I met my neighbour on my morning walk, he was out cutting down some smaller trees we have nearby. Even if the snow is melting rather fast the animals has no food. They have now started to eat the bark of trees and three mooses (probably the ones I met before surgery) has moved closer to my neighbours and started to eat bark on the trees.
Since these trees stands no chance of surviving he thought it best to cut them down so the mooses could concentrate on eating them instead of destroying more trees. At least we hope that can help. The mooses now eats all the food they put out to the smaller deers too. I can most probably see them from my bedroom window early in the morning. I´ll try to take a photo on them if I wake up early enough.
Otherwise nothing much happens here. I´m supposed to walk around 400 meters (around the same in yards) every day the first week. As long as it isn´t to slippery outside thats no problem. It´s when it´s starting to freeze again I might have problems. But I do have other exersizes too that I can do indoors. Now I feel its back to bed. My lower back hurts for some reason and has done so since the surgery. I´m quite happy that I don´t know what they really did during surgery :-) :-)
Have a great day now!
hi christer...i left messages and just looked back and can't find them. did they not show up? i feel awful because i left welcome back messages and asked how you were doing. hoe are you doing??? do you notice a big difference? did you get to watch the olympics? i can't wait to watch hockey today. i hope you are feeling good. is your mother still there? how did the pups act when you returned? joyce
The first picture of the dogs makes them look like Bears. Funny! I thought you were going to write something humorous about the photo. About your back and hip area, you really need to get the blood circulating again. Walk as often as possible and that will help. It helped me but I know how uncomfortable it can be at first. Keep trying.
Jo, nu är det synd om djuren... tung blötsnö är ju inte så lätt o ta sig ner igenom.... Här utfodras dom med restprodukter från Dafgårds o ensilage uppe i eneskogen. Så de är inte så ofta i min trädgård nu.
Men häromnatten när det var så dåligt väder hittade jag spår o avföring inne i växtlusthuset!
Låter härligt med den där 400meterspromenaden! Men det är väl stå, gå eller ligga som gäller nu va? Hundarna springer väl av sig på egen hand... eller måste du kasta lock?
Ha´t himla gôrgôtt
Hi Joyce!
No, no messages from You I´m afraid. But thanks! It´s nice to be back :-)
I´m doing rather good, but it still feels like my body belongs to a 114 year old man :-)I can feel the difference every day though.
Yes we got the chance to see the Olympics, but we were both so tired that we didn´t see much :-) :-) My room neighbour got an infection and high fever as well and I was only very tired :-) :-)
My dogs were really happy when I came home. Well old Erna showed up to say hi and then left. But she came later that night and refused to leave my bed until I had scratched her for a long, long time :-) :-)
My mother will stay until friday, then I´ll throw her out :-)
Have a great day now!
Hi Z&M!
I don´t have that much energy yet, to write funny comments :-)
I´m out as much as I can walking around. But last time I overdid it a lot so my leg got so swollen they thought I had gotten a blood clogh :-) :-) ButI do have my exersices too. I´ll be much better already in some days :-)
Take care now!
Tjänare Nina!
Ja det har det svårt nu, både stora och små djur. Men om det fortsätter regna som det gjort ikväll kommer de att ha det betydligt lättare igen.
Jag skall inte sitta för mycket än, så mycket ligga är det. Dessutom måste jag vara lugnare med gåningen, förra gången svullnade benet upp som en ballong så alla trodde jag fått en blodpropp :-) :-)
Nu börjar det bli rejält halt ute också så det är lite vanskligt med hur jag skall vandra omkring.
Hundarna springer alltid omkring som tokar, så dem behöver man inte oroa sig för :-) :-)
Ha det gott!
You don't even want to know what they did in there. Frank, my late husband, woke up during his and heard them sawing...LOL..he said "what's that sawing noise" and they knew he was awake! They quickly knocked him out! :) don't want to know.
Hi Mona!
No that´s true :-) :-)
Take care now!
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