Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I´m in a much better mood today :-) The sun is shining and I´ve been able to take a walk outside. Soon I´ll take another one. And as long as I don´t think of the swedish railways sytem this will probably be a good day :-) :-)

The hardest about this hip surgery isn´t that it hurst in my leg, that pain dissapered rather fast. No it´s the pain of not being able to sleep like one wants to. I can only sleep in two positions to be honest. On the back or on my right side. All the time with a big pillow between my legs. I´m not allowed to cross my legs at any time these comming three months and preferable not later either. If I do this early my hip will most likly pop out. It hurts quite a lot too.

Can You see Teodor? He sits above my entrance door :-)

So not being able to sleep like I use to makes my back hurt rather much all night. So I sleep for a couple of hours at the most at the time. I know this will all dissapere in a while, but it doesn´t make it easier when it´s going on to know that :-) :-) The more I can move around during the days, the faster it´ll happen.

Now it´s time for a cup of tea I feel and then out into the snow and ice :-)
Have a great day now!


Anonymous said...

Take a little at a time and it will all come together. The sleep problem will go away too. It takes awhile for the body to adjust. Do you feel better walking? Maybe that's a good trade off. I know I had the energy of a thousand buffalo when my strength came back. I even beat my son at one on one basketball and he's 33. Yay for me! Enjoy that tea!

Alen Trädgård said...

Ja du , det påminner om när jag var gravid och inte längre kunde ligga på mage och sova;)) Men man vänjer sig vid allt, jobbigt dock med värken. Hopas att det snart blir lättare att sova. Ha det gott/Monne

Kat said...

I'm glad you were able to get your walk. It's such a part of your everyday.

These pictures are wonderful. The sun is so glorious, and I love Teodor.

Sorry you're not more comfortable yet.

jaz@octoberfarm said...

hi christer...great photos. i had to sleep flat on my back for months once and what really helped me was a special pillow i bought. it is one of those types that is shaped like a "U" and people often use them on airplanes. it keeps your head from flopping from side to side. once i got used to it i never have slept any other way. i still use this type of pillow and sleep slightly propped up and on my back. maybe this could help you? joyce

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

YOU are out there taking pictures? Wow..you seem to be doing good. I know exactly what you mean about not being able to sleep but in a couple of positions. It isn't fun. I wanted to turn over on my tummy and couldn't do it. I would try in my sleep and it would HURT!
Yep...it takes awhile after a surgery to get back to your complete self. I am just now getting there! Yep see little Teodor up there on the roof! I would think he would have a very cold behind.
Enjoy your hot tea after being out there in such cold!

The cottage by the Cranelake said...

Hi Z&M!
Yes, I know it´ll all come back. But it´s annoying now in the beginning.

It´s just up to one big muscle to heal and I´m back again :-)
Have a great day now!

The cottage by the Cranelake said...

Tjänare Monne!
När man då dessutom hela tiden har en stor kudde mellan benen är det lite irriterande :-) :-)

Jodå, man vänjer sig, men ryggslutet är inte alltid så lyckligt. Nu gäller det bara att muskeln läker ihop och att jag kan gå omkring, plus göra mina öveningar, då blir allt snart som det skall :-)
Ha det gott!

The cottage by the Cranelake said...

Hi Kat!
It was a beautiful morning, wasn´t it.

I´ll be comfortable in a while. As soon as that big muscle heals together I´ll soon be back again :-)
Have a great day now!

The cottage by the Cranelake said...

Hi Joyce!
I know about that pillow. But my problem is more of the lower back area. To always sleep in the two same positions seemes to make it unhappy. Well as soon as I can walk better and better this will all be over :-)
Have a great day now!

The cottage by the Cranelake said...

Hi Mona!
Exactly soo! But here it´s my left buttock that hurts :-) :-) :-)

Since the muscles is what keeps the hip in place there´ll be no other way of sleeping until my buttock is completly healed :-)
Take care now!

splendid said...

So glad to hear you are feeling better. The sleeping thing will resolve itself, after our car wreck i couldn't sleep on my right shoulder for over a year, eventually i could and it made all the difference. so glad your mother got home safe and the pets are watching over you now.

a.rogue (Alice) said...

What a difference a little sunshine can make? eh?? (that's Canadian!)
love the cat on the entrance way - watch your head! He looks like he's waiting to surprise you... My son's cat likes to jump up on his shoulder and walk around...
Enjoy your walks and thank you for sharing the beautiful pictures as always!

The cottage by the Cranelake said...

Hi Splendid!
It is annoying to have to change the way one sleeps. I devided my night in to three parts. One part sleeping on my back, one on my side and one sitting up.

Well my mother isn´t home yet. She´s going home on Friday. So it´s just to cross our fingers that everything goes well :-)

The cottage by the Cranelake said...

Hi Alice!
Yes, weather changes can do miracles to the mood :-) :-)
Teodor the cat does like to sit on my shoulder when I´m taking a walk :-) But on the roof I think he was more watching birds :-) :-)

NinaH said...

Courage, C!!! You will make it!!! I know you will!!;-)

NinaVästerplana said...

Att sova för lite är inget vidare.... jag gör det också eftersom jag vaknar av att mina händer somnat ;-)
Låter roligare än vad det är.....
Jag blir himla grinig o stingslig av att inte få tillräckligt med sömn.... dessutom somnar jag ofelbart om jag försöker se på TV. Inte pga programmet utan för jag är trött....
Tur Teodor tar sig ner igen så du inte behöver klättra upp o hjälpa ner honom.... kan ju bli besvärligt nu!
Hoppas du mår bättre snart....
så du kan ha´t himla gôrgôtt

The cottage by the Cranelake said...

Hi NinaH!
I know I will :-)
Take care now!

The cottage by the Cranelake said...

Tjänare Nina!
Vaknade faktiskt i natt av att ena armen somnat, riktigt otrevligt.

Just nu vill jag inte en se på tv då det är helt omöjligt att sitta bekvämt på de där kuddarna man fått låna hem :-) :-)
Ha det gott!

Berit said...

jag hoppas att det snart blir barmark och vårväder så att du åtminstone kan sitta ute och njuta av livet:)


The cottage by the Cranelake said...

Tjänare Berit!

Nu skall det ju komma arktiska vindar i minst en vecka, så barmark lär det väl inte bli här förrän långt in i April är jag rädd. Men soliga dagar kan jag ju trots allt sitta ute på kökstrappen med en kopp kaffe och njuta ändå :-)
Ha det gott!